I literally went tens of thousands of sends onInstagram from people asking me what stylus to use on your telephone so I wentonto Amazon to search for the best stylus pencils and because I couldn’tdecide which one I craved, I dissolved up buying all of these. And I can tell you rightnow – don’t do that – it would be a massive correct! As it is about to change, I wasted so muchmore money then I needed too and you’ll construe why in really a minute. But now that Ihave them all we’ll try them out so we can find out together which one is best.You’ll too notice that the Apple pencil is missing from my collecting herebecause unfortunately the Apple pencil doesn’t work on the phone.Why Apple ?? I think there’s so many of would love to have an Apple Pencil for the iPhone. Let me know the comments if youare one of them, perhaps we can send this whole list of comments to Apple andmaybe they’ll be pleased to hear us – you never know! Alright so let’s see what we can doinstead the first thing we’re going to do is have a quick look at all ourcontenders and then we’ll position them through some very rigorous testing tosee which one performs best the mistake I compiled when I dictated allthese stylus confines is that I didn’t really understand how they work.You seethe iPhone is made to be used with your paws where a certain amount of hisskin touches the screen that’s why you’ll read a lot of these effective sortof stylus pencils sort of like these ones they pretty much emulate your fingersbut the problem is that they’re not very precise you can’t really tell exactlywhere you are touching the screens that’s why corporations have come up withstylus pencils that have a little disc at the bottom like this one now. I waspersonally never so scared of these stylus confines and I’ve never tried one until nowI much more favored confines with the super reduce gratuities various kinds of like the Applepencil sort of like this where it’s really really fine and “youre seeing” I havea entirety accumulation of them here okay let’s group these pencils the first grouphere is what we call capacitive confines they used the touching functionality of thescreen just like your finger would and then we have this group of confines herewhich are sometimes called active pens and you can see here on the box that’swhat they call it but they actually active capacitive writes they have thefine tip-off we’re looking for and you’ll notice that now all powered you have tocharge them with a USB cable but they are not connected via bluetooth as itturns out these confines have been engineered to simulate the white-hot touchof your thumb with some energy sorcery technically speaking it’s calledreflective electrostatic but all you need to know is that if you attend theaccuracy of a finer gratuity stylus without involving a digitizer in the parade orBluetooth connectivity which raises us to the next list and that includesstylus confines which connect via bluetooth and they’ve worked in conjunction withthe digitizer off the screen of course each one of these types of stylus pinshas pros and cons and that’s what clears it so hard to decide which one to get soa comic was the eventual stylus evaluation challenge to frequency each one of thesepins and they will see how they compare you’ll probably want to use the stylusfor various categories of duties so app looking to the following categories how to neverget your phone back to take no and then you probably want to createsome art like sketching suck and depicting and then of course we are alsogoing to look at lettering and calligraphy because this is really likepassion and then of course we also make the price into consideration because asyou will see there’s a huge difference in price between all these differentpins so now let’s look at the hopefuls of the challenge I’ve introduce them here inthe order of price and we’ll start with tasting the cheapest bolts first and thenwe go all the way up to the most expensive one to see every ready tospend that much money alright so we’ve got our scoring membrane ready to go youcan see here all that stylus pins with their specifies so we’ve got our freebie pinhere this is one that I came when I ordered an iPhone case many years agoI’ve no idea I got it from but I’ve been using it for a little bit so it goes onthe list this one is at stylist called dwelling skin this comes in a battalion of threelet me show you so this is their packaging and it’s also got a yellow andevery opinion they were just fine any of you know you can leave them in differentplaces three of them is eleven dollars then next up we have this Kim C activestylus written this kind of looks like a black Apple pencil in it truly feelslike the first contemporary Apple pencil tip it’s black so this one is $ 22 andthen we have the active stylus bolt by a company called really cool I don’t know howto enunciate it it’s is CLL and again this also looks like a first generationApple pencil similar rate as well and this one is $ 25 and then we have thispretty stylin see you know this one’s pink so this is pretty cool this is themock car universe so active stylus bolt and you can see the difference herebetween the previous one this one has the penalize tip-off but then it’s also got thisfat tip-off at the back you could be handy you can never know next one up is thedonut pro 4 this one is a capacitive stylus this is not an active stylus sothis doesn’t need any charging and this one is $ 28 so thisit’s quite expensive for a stylist that doesn’t have any electronics but it’sgot this little disc here at the front and then we have the stylus that lookslike the second-generation Apple pencil it’s also went this flat constituent here it’snot super handy because the Apple pencil exercises this for charging but thisone doesn’t get charged now this one actually gets charged here you can seehere this is that USB charging port and this one is $ 30 and the next in ourlineup we have the dominant – 3 stylus pin this one is actually a little bitfancy this is a little bit metallic unlike the other one said that allplastic this feels quite nice although I have to say this is quite light but it’sgot a really nice penalize tip here and this one is $37 and then of course we alsohave a stylus bicycle on which is the back on bamboo penalty boundary this one is for sixdollars so this is quite a bit more expensive the delightful thing about this isthat you can sort of open it up and turn it on almost like a real pin which iskind of cool and then the punishment gratuity comes out having said that this tip is alittle bit wobbly some bit concerned about this but so far this is quite coolit’s got sort of a slightly triangular chassis so this feels quite nice in myhand and then last but not least we have the only active stylus pin whichactually connects to bluetooth to the device and this is the a doughnut pixelstylus I’ve had this for a while this is not one that I bought brand-new I bought thisa few years ago to compare it was the capable pencil on the iPad I didn’t like itthat much so it’s been sitting in my cupboard for a very long time but Ithought for this challenge why not returning out and see how it appears toall the other stylus pins alright so now that we have their overview we know allour competitors let’s grasp the phone and let’s try them out so now before we getstarted I likewise want to mention that the phone I’m squandering for this test it’s theiPhone XS max this is not an iPhone 11 Pro this is the previous generation andone of the reasons why I impede this phone and didn’t upgrade to the brand-new one lastyears because the brand-new iPhones don’t have 3d spot inand while it’s not a crucial feature not really something that you are able to miss toomuch to me it was still a feature that I quite appreciate and that’s why Idecided to keep this iPhone having say that there’s going to be brand-new iPhonescoming out later this year and I don’t think that not having 3-d patch willprevent me from getting a new iPhone this time around alright now it’s timefor the patch and to speed things up a little bit I’m going to do this taste ingroups so the first radical we are going to look at are the capacitive styluspins so we’ve got our freebies we’ve got the whole surface and then we’ve also gotthe garnet pro 4 “theyre all” fairly same which means they don’t need anypower they is attached to any invention that you might have and they all employ verysimilar we’re going to use that reproduction for all the piece because asthe egg I really like employing for talent and the good thing aboutusing the relevant sound of it is that using the stylus pins in this meansit’ll work for other apps on your phone as well such as the indicate said or maybeif you have two good greenbacks or any other note-taking app it will work as wellthere freebie stylus confined this is the one I’ve been using a lot and you know it’snot ready it kind of use really fast but it’s just not very precise so if youwanted to do something that needs a little bit more precision such asdoodling it’s pretty hard to know where the lines start and stop so this is notreally ideal now having their somewhat smaller tiplet’s see what the difference is with this so you can see already I have muchmore precision over my texts and then zooming in gives me quite a nice amountof precision here and then we have there this stylus and of course this is thebest one because I can really recognize where I’m doing my courses so this is veryprecise and this one studies actually quite nicelyright now it’s boring littering and maybe a little bit of calligraphy andagain using that freebie stylus first so you can see it’s a living wobbly and youcan see already how much more precise I am usingthis stylus pin and then their third one so I would say out of these three styluspins this one here is the clear win this is my father uses to use it has noleg and it’s actually quite precise alright so now let’s move on to our nextset of bolts and this includes all of the pins yeah so now we have six differentones and this is probably the mistake I uttered because they all have the exactsame problem and I’ll show you right now what that is so let’s just pick thefirst one which is their embassy and let’s turn it onand all you have to do is press this little button and then it sort of turnson and now let’s do the same case that we’ve done with the other pin so as youcan see navigation is actually quite nice so let’s try some scrabbles and it’snot too bad but you can see how already this boundary is quite wobbly and you knowit was at me because I’ve utilized the stylus pins before and this cable was notas wobbly with the other pin so it’s definitely the stylus creating theseweird wobbly orders so reaping straight lines is okay but then as soon as Istart drawing these oblique arguments you can see how wobbly this is so this issome major drawback and I’m actually very disappointed about this and the badnews is is that all these pins is precisely the same problem so no matterwhich one of these pins you have selected they all create these wobbly lines I register youso let’s just espouse all of them and let’s see if there is more or lesswobble between them so I’m just gonna do the same again so I conclude the so-calledactive stylus is worse the black one here now let’s try out pink stylus thisis at least this one is very pretty so let’s see if this one labours a little bitbetter so I’m going to do the exact same evaluation we’re going to draw a circle andthen some diagonal orders and you can see it’s got the exact same problem you canlisten the problem a little bit by portrayal faster so the faster you drawthe least more obvious that Wiggles are but regrettably it still got thisproblem as well so this pin has stoodVantage that it’s got the effect tip-off on the other side as well so if you wantedto draw fronts like this then you can do that with the other side and so this ismuch better other than that the stylus pen actuallyworks delicately very precise for sailing and likewise for cover this is quite niceSophie choose a different brush and we do a little bit of covering this isactually quite nice to use so this one is that King those stylusthis is the one that looks like that second generation April paint so let’ssee how this works so this one turns on at the back so gonna turn on it time tobe fair let’s opt black as well so now I have to actually press down quitehard in order to select the color so this is already something I don’t likeso much so it’s not just like taping on the dot “youre seeing” I “re going to have to” press itdown fairly hard so I don’t like this so much but now let’s see how it performswhen we draw our roundabout so this is not much different to the stylus pins I’vetried previously all right so now these are all in a similar price wander andthen now we’ve got the donut there’s three and also they’re like commonstylus confine so you’d think that because they were expensive they might work alittle bit better so let’s see how these two stylist bolts perform so it with theID on it there she turned on at the back here and it turns on it’s got a littlegreen light there so now it’s on so now let’s see how this performs and you cansee this is quite disappointing because even though this is a mood spinsubstance pin it has got the exact same problem as the other stylus pins sounfortunately this is no longer better than these ones so now we’ve got our lasthope which is the most expensive forms pin out of all of them which is thebamboo fineline pin and one of the benefits with this pin is that you canpair it with the app so let’s see if that makes a difference so it’s bettermodify and then let’s go to preferences and connect third-party stylus so now wehave welcome here in the it says turn the stylus on to connect it and you cansee now it comes and it’s connected and also but thisstylus pen you can see it’s got different picks now so you canselect right-handed or left-handed and then too your writing style upward ordownward and I’m not quite sure what mine is mine is kind of in the middle soI’m just going to leave it at right-handed and didn’t see what happenshere sweetie Hey and and now we’re gonna do the sametaste again and encounter what happens if this is actually either acquire the other pinswe’ve tried so we’re gonna get it on the exact same experience again and it is alittle bit bigger so this is quite a lot better actually than the wobbly strings wehave created before now let’s do the oblique feeling as well and so this isactually a little better I have to say what I don’t like about this styluspen is that it’s got a slightly wobbly extremely so this was a bit similar to astylus pen you get with your Microsoft Surface tablet for example they have aslightly wobbly cheap as well and it’s one of the reasons why I don’t likeusing them so much better that’s why I much promote employing the iPad pro and Applepencil and as you can see this eliminates some of the illusions buthaving said that it’s also much more expensive all right so now last-place but notleast let’s try using the doughnut peep salt stylus this one wreaks worthbluetooth so we need to connect it to the phone first let’s turn it on andthen let’s connect it to bluetooth so now we need to go back to our settingshere and then connect third-party stylus and being a doughnut and you can see ithas already paired which is nice so this was very nice and fast it also allow youto customize these buttons now and again we have for that writing stylethat you can choose from so now let’s see how this performs sonow let’s go through the flavor again and suck the clique firstly and then too ourdiagonal orders and while the stylus doesn’t start that wobbly lines you cansee here that it’s not very precise even though I’m touching the screen righthere it’s that’s proceed the line sort of outside so this definitely doesn’thelp me being more creative by having to worry exactly where I placethe pin on screen to me it should just workso for $77 I’m not sure whether it’s good enough given that the Aprilpencil is $99 so I certainly don’t recommend the stylus pen all right andnow let’s bring back the iPad let’s have a look at how these stylus pens kid incomparison I think it’s very easy to tell that we have a clear winner whichis the donut Pro which is the stylus that has the translucent disc here atthe top and interestingly this is the stylus I didn’t think I would like untilI tried it and then in second place we have equal the hon Suki and also theWacom Bamboo Stylus and the hans keys going to get the silver meter justbecause it’s so much cheaper there’s a new stylus and actually if you think aboutit the cost divergence is genuinely not worth it the vacuum stylus is certainlynot that much better so I don’t recommend that you squander your fund onthis packet there Hans key stylus instead and now let’s have a look at thescoring of the rest of the pins and you can see here they all score reasonablylow so I don’t recommend that you get any of the other styluses that I havetried peculiarly the ones that are called active stylus bolts they’re notreally that useful for artistry if all you do is taking notes and navigating yourphone then those stylus pins are okay for the type of creative work that welike doing so much I genuinely don’t recommend getting one of those styluspins now let’s have a quick look at the standings of the other pins and you’llnotice that I haven’t given out too many fives I’ve only given out the 5 to the3v pin for the expenditure because it doesn’t get considerably better than free and then alsothe Adoni pro 4 I caused it a 5 for taken due note I certainly discovered it’s the be astylus pen for taking notes because it has no leg and it’s really fast andprecise and then also a 5 goes to devack combi boot fine light beam just for thebuild aspect i really like the action it’s made I like their triangular chassis themet blegh so overall this is a very nice looking stylus and then other than theirI don’t recommend any of the adult stylus patch especially for those of uswho like to do creative artistry don’t be fooled by the name eggs of suffering thosepaints genuinely don’t work that well the wobbly rows are super annoying so Irecommend that you save your fund and you don’t buy one of those but speak tothat con ski stylus written you get three for $11 this is really good value for fund and it allows you to be artistic on youriPhone and now that you know which stylus pen to buy I truly recommendthat you watch some of my other videos as well I’m gonna plug them up here andhere so that you can continue watching and learn how to be artistic on youriPhone with your brand-new stylus confine if you like this video generate it a thumbs upsubscribe to my path if you haven’t already and don’t forget to hit the bellbutton to get notified each time I upload a new video thanks for coming so much forwatching and I’ll look my next video
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